"Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter
lies a miracle, a seed waiting to sprout,
a bulb opening to the light, a bud straining to unfurl.
And the anticipation nurtures our dream."
~Barbara Winkler
Finally, Winter's embrace is beginning to loosen. Our recent warm weather is a welcome respite from the icy chill of these recent months. The daffodils are pushing up, my quince bush is blooming and the air smells like Spring. And even though I know that we are likely to get more cold weather and even a snow or two, my thoughts are turning to Spring planning for the garden and my life.
The smell of Spring in the air brings to mind the process of Spring Cleaning, that age old tradition of cleaning the house from top to bottom which is conducted in the first warm days of the year. Windows thrown wide open to let the fresh Spring air blow through the house to clear out the staleness that comes from being shut to the winter cold, to clear out the dust and darkness of the winter, and to make a fresh start.
As we emerge from the cocoon of Winter, besides cleaning our houses, we have a need to clean our physical being and to restore balance. The simple practice of holding each finger for a minute or two each day will bring back harmony and help us to let go of the limiting beliefs that hold us back from fully experiencing the joys of life.
Each finger harmonizes various aspects of our body, mind and spirit - like our attitudes, organ energy pathways, energy centers, spine and more! HOLD each finger for about 5 minutes or until you can feel a gentle rhythmic pulsing, even and clear. Breath easily. Relax the shoulders and smile from the very heart of you.